PoC at TAP is coming to an end

PoC at TAP is coming to an end

tapThe most complex and essential tasks are now completed, i.e., the services layer that allows integration of MASDIMA with the different TAP systems. The services developed, include the access to all the needed information, that will allow MASDIMA to solve disruptions, namely:

  • Operational information: Flight, crew and aircraft, including MRO and his changes.
  • Passenger information: Passenger flight list, reservations and alternative flights for automatic passenger re-accommodation in case of missed connections.
  • Operational events: Events that might affect operation, related with aircraft, crew, passengers, airports, aircraft maintenance, etc.
  • Cost information: Costs related with aircraft, crew members and passengers, that are needed for the decision making mechanism of MASDIMA.

We are starting now an Information validation phase and MASDIMA’s impact analysis where we will have the cooperation from TAP OCC operators.

After completion of this phase, we will start a 2 months parallel run.