
Masdima – Multi-agent System for Disruption Management, helps the IOCC operators as well as other users that need to monitor and manage the daily operation, to manage disruptions and give a global vision and monitoring of the airline operations, i.e., flights, aircraft (including maintenance), crew and passengers. Allows to add other operational dimensions, such as, cargo. The main goal is to improve punctuality, reduce costs and increase passenger’s satisfaction.

Disruption Management and Operational Costs

Masdima has several features for disruption detection, operational impact assessment and solution proposal. Performs these features considering an integrated view of the operation and uses real time operational costs (direct for all dimensions, goodwill and lifetime value for passengers) to generate and evaluate the possible integrated solutions for the disruptions. These features can have manual, automatic or simulated triggers.

The possible features are:

  • Generate what-if scenarios per flight (delay, cancellation), airport (closure) and aircraft.
  • Alerts for events (SLOTS, ETA, ETD, etc.) that might disrupt the operation.
  • Access to the impact of these events on the aircraft flights, each crew member roster and on passenger’s connections.
  • Access to the proposed solutions to solve the disruptions. For example:
    • Swap aircraft A with BY or use a spare aircraft.
    • Swap a crew member or replace with a reserve one.
    • Re-accommodate passengers in a different flight (same airline and/or different one) or in a different mean of transportation and/or delay the outbound flight, issue vouchers, etc.
  • For all solutions it is possible to access the rational, i.e., an explanation on how the Masdima reached the proposed solution.
  • Visualization, for each flight, with alerts (green, yellow and red) of the disruption consequences. For example, red means the flight is delayed and has passengers that will miss the connections. Accessing the flight, it is possible to see the impact and proposed solution.

It is possible to apply automatically, after human approval, the proposed solution. For example, request the flight tracking system to swap aircraft A with B for a specific period, re-accommodate passengers in a specific flight, etc.

Flight Tracking

Features available in this group (in real time and, also, for flights already landed):

  • Flight plan visualization.
  • Current flight route visualization.
  • Alternative airports for each flight.
  • FIR’s visualization.
  • Fuel (planned and real) and burn rate (initial, during the route, final and boarded fuel).
  • Altitude (planned and real) and Speed.
  • Weight Information: ZFW, TOW, LAW, Payload (planned and real)
  • Flight delay evolution.
  • Realtime alarm for flights that do not communicate their position for more than 15 minutes,
  • Realtime alarm for flights that should already be airborne but did not send, yet, any ACARS communication.
  • Realtime alarm for flights in risk of diversion.
  • SLOTS and impact on flights.
  • Realtime Flight Rules for the airports.

These features can be filtered by flight number, tail number, fleet, aircraft model, airport, flight status, etc. Clicking in the flight number, tail number or airport, gives access to a detail file of each.

Operations Monitoring

In this group we have features that allow access to a large set of data about the flights, namely:

  • Flight movements (OOOI, open/close doors, flight time, taxi times, etc.).
  • ACARS messages from/to the aircraft (downlink/uplink).
  • Passengers – PIL and inbound and outbound connections.
  • Previous and Next flights with flight status (on time, delayed, airborne, landed, schedule, cancelled, etc.) and passenger lifetime value.
  • Crew (flight and cabin) and weekly roster for each crew member.
  • Flight SLOTS and decoding.
  • METAR/TAF for origin, destination and alternative airports, including Flight Rules.
  • Flight cost analysis (SCHEDULE, IMPACT, SOLUTION and REAL) including costs of the aircraft/flight, crew and passengers (direct and goodwill).
  • Log of the events that affected the flight, including access to the impact assessment and solution proposed by Masdima to solve the problem.
  • Alerts for flights without Flight init, Load sheet and/or Load sheet Acknowledge.
  • Real-time alarm for flights diverted, returned (flight or ramp) and canceled.

It is possible to filter the information by:

  • Scheduled, departed, airborne and landed flights.
  • Flights on time, delayed and delayed with passengers missing the connections.
  • Flights by passenger lifetime value (LTV).
  • Origin and/or destination airports.
  • Aircraft tail number.

The information can be sorted according to:

  • Flight status.
  • Aircraft tail number.
  • Flight number.
  • Origin airport.
  • Destination airport.
  • STD, STA, ETD, ETA and Delay.
  • Estimated Flight Time, Fuel, LTV.

This information is available for flights already performed (any date), airborne flights and flights not yet departed, for the defined time window.

Masdima caches information for flights not yet performed, meaning that the information will be available even if the airline data services are unavailable (for the defined time window).


Besides consulting the METAR/TAF on the flight file and airport file, Masdima has a feature that checks, automatically and for each airport, meteorology indicators that can affected the airport operation. After checking, it marks each airport as green, yellow or red, depending on the defined rules. The current Flight Rules are also shown for each airport.


This group of features includes, for each airport, several performance KPI’s and other statistical data. It has several filters and allows ordering by each column.  It also has several alerts regarding the current operation status of each airport.

Clicking in an airport it is possible to access the following information (updated in real time):

  • Airport generic data (local time difference, latitude/longitude, map, runways and other docs)
  • TAF and METAR, including airport flight rules.
  • Next flights departing from the airport, including the status per flight (on time, delayed, airborne, landed, schedule, cancelled, etc.) and passenger LTV.
  • Next flights arriving to the airport with status per flight.
  • SLOTS for the flights departing from that airport with decoding.
  • Layover crew members at the airport.
  • Average departure delay for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime, having the possibility to drill down to the specific flight.
  • Event causes that delayed the flights, classified according the source feed and IATA code included in the message. Available for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime. It is possible to do drilldown.
  • OTP – D15, A15, D00 and A00 for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime with drilldown.
  • Cost Performance – Total, Direct, Passenger Goodwill, Aircraft, Crew and Passenger for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime with drilldown.
  • Passenger Lifetime Value (LTV) Performance – Total, LTV 2+3, LTV 3, LTV2 e LTV1 current day, last 30 days and lifetime with drilldown.
  • Maintenance checks available at each airport for each aircraft type.

Planned aircraft maintenance tasks at each airport.


This group of features includes, for each route, several performance KPI’s and other statistical data. It has several filters and allows ordering by each column.

Clicking in a route it is possible to access the following information (updated in real time):

  • Route generic data.
  • History of flights with flight status information (on time, delayed) and passenger LTV.
  • Next inbound flights for the route including flight status and passenger LTV.
  • SLOTS for the flight of this route and slot decoding.
  • Average departure and arrival delay for the current day.
  • Fuel consumption and comparison with planned, for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime, with drilldown capabilities.
  • Weights (ZFW, TOW, LAW and Payload), real and planned, for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime, with drilldown capabilities.
  • Inbound and outbound event causes that disrupted the flights, classified according the data source and IATA code in the message. Available for current day, last 30 days and lifetime, with drilldown capabilities.
  • OTP – D15, A15, D00 and A00 for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime.
  • Cost Performance – Total, Direct, Passenger Goodwill, Aircraft, Crew and Passenger for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime, with drilldown capabilities.
  • Passenger Lifetime Value (LTV) Performance – Total, LTV 2+3, LTV 3, LTV2 e LTV1 for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime, with drilldown capabilities.


This group of features includes, for aircraft, several performance KPI’s and other statistical data. It has several filters and allows ordering by each column.

  • Aircraft status (on ground, airborne and time on ground).
  • Current FOB.

Clicking in an aircraft we have access to the following information (updated in real time):

  • General data about the aircraft (name, model, passenger capacity).
  • Aircraft performance in terms of fuel per pax/100 km.
  • Average operational costs
  • Flight history and next flights with time on ground since last flight, boarded fuel, passenger LTV and flight status (on time, delayed, airborne, landed, schedule, cancelled, etc.).
  • Maintenance planned for the next 30 days.
  • Weights (ZFW, TOW, LAW and Payload), real and planned, for the current day, last 30 days and lifetime, with drilldown capabilities.
  • Files and images about the aircraft.

Analytics and Reports

Real-time monitoring of the operation status. For example:

  • OTP (D00, D15, A00, A15).
  • Cost Performance (Aircraft, Crew, Pax, Fuel, Pax Compensation, Crew hotel and allowances, etc.)
  • Fuel – Planned, boarded and Consumed)
  • Weights (ZFW, TOW, LAW and Payload) – Planned and Real (from load sheet)
  • Passengers, including Passenger Lifetime Value and Passenger goodwill.
  • Event Causes.
  • Average departure delays for all network and per airport.
  • Real-time monitoring of flight delays and passenger’s connections.
  • Real-time monitoring of events affecting or disrupting the operations.

This information is available for all the network as well as for each airport, route and others.