Co-Founder & CTO
Ana Paula Rocha studied at the University of Porto where she got her degree in Electrical and Computers Engineering in 1990. She got her Ph.D with a thesis on Negotiation in Multi-Agent Systems (Artificial Intelligence), from the University of Porto, Portugal, in 2002. Currently she is an Auxiliary Professor at the Department of Computing Engineering, University of Porto, in the areas of Artificial Intelligence, Multi-Agent Systems and Electronic Commerce Technologies.
Ana Paula participated in European as well as national funded projects involving advanced features of intelligent agents for applications. Her main current research topics of interest include Agent-based frameworks for B2B electronic commerce, Multi-Agent Learning, Negotiation, Argumentation and Trust.
She published more than 40 papers, mainly in the field of software agents and multi-agent system applications as well as intelligent robotics. She participated in the organization of workshops related to Artificial Intelligence and Multi Agent Systems, as well as in the Program Committee of several conferences in these areas.
Ana Paula is the co-author of the book “A New Approach for Disruption Management in Airline Operations Control” published by Springer in 2014.
Ana Paula is a member of DAIAS (Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Agent-based Simulation) group at LIACC (Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence and Computer Science) since 1990. In this group, she participated in the development of ANTE (Agreement Negotiation in Normative and Trust-enabled Environments), a new platform to facilitate Virtual Organizations formation and monitoring. She co-authored 3 chapters of the book “Agreement Technologies”, ed. Sascha Ossowski, Springer 2013, in which the technological and scientific principles behind ANTE are described.
Additionally, she also participate in the conceptual definition and development of the Generic Q-Negotiation algorithm as well as in the learning features of MASDIMA – Multi-Agent System for Disruption Management, a system that optimizes the disruption management in the airline operations control.
Ana Paula is also a member of APPIA (Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence).
Ana Paula is MASDIMA, Lda. CTO and Co-founder.